We know getting to health appointments such as GP, hospital and dentists can be much easier with company and support.
Our Healthlink volunteers can provide that company, supporting you to attend your health appointments and maintain your well-being. You may not want to burden your friends or family, or they no longer live locally. Our volunteers can:
- Meet you at your home or place of your choice
- Accompany you to the appointment and then back home again
- Travel with you on foot, by bus, taxi or patient transport
- Wait outside during your visit or come in with you
- Remind you of questions you want to ask, and take notes for you
We also have digital support volunteers who can help you learn to access video health appointments as an additional way to speak to health professionals.
If you – or someone you know – could benefit from this service, then please get in touch for more information and to register.
For more information call 01273 688 117 or healthlink@volunteeringmatters.org.uk
Healthlink is a local project supporting those 50+, run by national charity Volunteering Matters as part of it’s Lifelines project. We’re proud to be supported by The Lawson Trust